The activities consisted of Escape from the Lost World, Gold Fever, Eco-Habitech and World Sailing Spectacular, ElectraCITY, Puff Puff Golf and The Dish.
The Escape from the Lost World team won their challenge. Joel, one of the team members, said, “We had to make a frame out of balsa wood and tie helium balloons to it to make it go forward.” The frame had to move around a course. The one that completed it the fastest won.
Another team that did well was the Gold Fever team. Their challenge was to build a strong but lightweight bridge that would then be tested with a number of weights. It was a very close call but in the end their bridge collapsed under the load of the second last weight. However, they did have fun destroying the bridge before we left.
One of the harder challenges was the Eco-Habitech. Teams had to construct a dwelling with limited resources that could withstand all weather conditions. While the team managed to pass most of the tests done on their habitat, they want to come back next year to do better.
All in all, everyone had a good time and learned a lot. It was a good experience, working in a team, creating a plan and using resources wisely to achieve the best results.
By Keziah
By Keziah